
One Engine provides fully integrated marketing solutions for all types of technology channel partners.

Whether you partner with Microsoft, Sage, SAP, IBM or any other technology provider, our end-to-end, results-driven approach covers the whole marketing lifecycle from strategy through to delivery.

Our goal is to help your business to grow and evolve organically. We’ll work closely with your team to develop joined-up marketing strategies with measurable results. Our solutions are specifically designed to drive new business for partners, while increasing opportunities with your existing customers.

One Engine will help you to:

Amplify your message

Build on the strength of your brand

Improve customer retention

Drive increased profitable growth

Generate more business opportunities

Grow your business

To discuss your organisation’s marketing strategy:


Results-driven marketing for future growth

Think of our service as a 360° offering for B2B channel partners. We’ll steer you away from outdated ad hoc marketing techniques and provide an integrated service that fulfils your exact marketing needs. From building your brand to generating more leads and tapping into new channels, One Engine is the ideal agency to successfully develop and grow your businesses.

With you for the long-term

When we collaborate with channel partners, we’re in it for the long-haul. We know results don’t happen overnight. For instance, you may be underestimating the power of nurturing customers because you don’t see immediate returns. Thinking strategically, we’ll help you to see the bigger picture with longer-term programmes. Run alongside regular lead-generation services, nurturing will deliver phenomenal results over time. But it’s all about having joined-up marketing services for the duration.


One Engine is dedicated to helping you achieve greater success in the long-term.

Why is One Engine right for your business?

As a channel partner, the best way to grow your business is by nurturing existing clients and acquiring new ones. In other words, you need the right marketing strategy in place. But if you’re running disparate marketing programmes, you’re nowhere near optimising your marketing development funds (MDF). That’s because your standalone campaigns are disconnected.


What you really need is a joined-up marketing strategy – across multiple channels – connecting all aspects of your business, including operations, marketing and sales. ONE Engine will provide such a strategy. We’ll ensure you generate more high-quality leads and strengthen your brand, while reducing cost and complexity.


One Engine is dedicated to helping you achieve greater success in the long-term.

One Engine’s joined-up service optimises marketing for partners


Join up business processes

Reduce complexity with an integrated approach

Support customers

Increase operational efficiency


Generate new business and retain existing clients

Maximise marketing development funds (MDF)

Omni-channel marketing

Leading-edge digital solutions


Increase sales

Ongoing sales support

Sales transformation strategy


To discuss your organisation’s marketing strategy:


ONE agency for ALL channel partner communities

Portrait of young child pretend to be businessman. Kid playing at home. Imagination, idea and creative concept. Copy space for your text

Hundreds of Microsoft, Sage, SAP, IBM and other technology partners don’t have any marketing support or expertise, although many of them have considerable marketing development funds (MDF). What’s more, most partners have one thing in common: they’re looking to develop and grow their businesses.

Portrait of young child pretend to be businessman. Kid with toy virtual reality headset in modern loft office. Success, creative and innovation technology concept. Copy space for your text

One Engine is the go-to agency for ALL channel partners. Our all-encompassing expertise extends way beyond marketing. We’re also business leaders. We have a deep understanding of the operations and services side of things. Plus, we know exactly how partners work. That’s why we’re called One Engine. We draw on all our resources and expertise to deliver ONE strategic solution.

Our proven formula is simple

Our experts will work with your team to maximise your MDF and generate greater results and ROI for your business. We’ll help you to plan your marketing journey with the tailored services your business requires.

Tracking results

One Engine will provide your organisation with valuable insights and regular reporting to help you optimise your marketing campaigns. You’ll receive clear updates on the new opportunities that are generated for both your marketing pipeline and your sales pipeline. This means you’ll always have accurate short- and long-term visibility of your marketing programme.

Deeper channel marketing knowledge

For more than 20 years, the highly experienced One Engine team have worked in the fields of marketing, sales and consultancy for Microsoft, Sage, IBM, technology distributors and other channels. Our people have unrivaled knowledge of how partner and vendor communities operate, especially when it comes to Microsoft.

Our expertise

Today, we deliver integrated marketing solutions built around key business areas:


We know the channel. Our team has many years experience with technology channel partners. We understand first hand the marketing challenges that partners, ISVs and vendors have.

We have a wealth of experience working with a broad range of leading technologies. For instance, Microsoft Office 365, Power Platform, Modern Desktop, Teams, and Dynamics 365. We work with Sage (Sage 200, Sage X3 and Sage CRM), IBM technology and security platforms, SAP systems, plus a host of other technologies as well.

This makes us ideally placed to work with you and implement the right strategies and marketing programmes to successfully grow your business.

Channel vendors are keen for their partners to invest in marketing, and many partners have recruited marketing professionals to handle this. However, long-term success requires a deeper level of understanding in terms of the competitive landscape, business outcomes and the solutions and services you offer.

Joined-up marketing services

With unrivalled knowledge and expertise, One Engine offers joined-up marketing solutions that are specifically designed to help partners like you to prosper.

Channel Marketing & Development
Telemarketing & Lead Generation
Branding Excellence & Corporate B2B Marketing
Digital, Social & Visual Impact Marketing
Event Management
Go-To-Market Strategies
Account Based Marketing
Partner Alliance & Consulting
Strategic & Commercial Planning
Relationship & Alliance Marketing

One Engine has everything covered

Our experts fully understand your marketing lifecycle. This includes an in-depth knowledge of the various channels’ technology. We’ll help you to transform your marketing, bringing everything in line within today’s digital space, enabling you to build your brand, generate new business and increase customer retention.

Introducing Your Virtual Marketing Director

Your virtual marketing director will create, direct and oversee the management of all marketing programmes. Campaigns will be joined-up and aligned to business goals and objectives and will be optimised to drive the best possible results, outcomes, and ROI. We understand your business, your language, your customers, and the competitive landscape.

Introducing Your Virtual Marketing Manager

Your virtual marketing manager will manage your marketing programmes, deliver consistency, focus, and joined up marketing campaigns aligned with business goals and objectives, and drive the best possible results, outcomes, and ROI. We understand your business, your language, your customers, and the competitive landscape.

Have a project you'd like to talk about?

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